After the correct pre-run meal and regenerating nutrition, a less emphasized but very important area of sports nutrition for runners should now follow: Supporting our defenses with a proper diet.
It may sound strange at first, but regular sports test our immune system, because - albeit in a positive sense - physical activity means stress for the body. After stress, various pathogens (bacteria, viruses) can weaken the body more easily. It is a generally accepted fact that upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds or viral sore throats, may be more common in endurance athletes, including long-distance runners.
The body, including our immune system, must learn to adapt to the changed physiological conditions; you must treat minor injuries properly; you need to regenerate quickly. If it is not able to do this, the development of diseases may be more frequent, and the natural intestinal flora may also change. (Intestinal flora plays a major role in the optimal functioning of the immune system!) Therefore, in addition to providing our body with the right amount and quality of nutrients after a training session or competition, we also need to think about supporting our defenses.
The first and most important thing we need to pay attention to is energy intake. Diets with a very low energy value (below 1200 calories) are unable to provide the amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for proper immune functions!
This is even more important for athletes, so we must try to avoid drastic calorie-restricting diets. At the same time, excessive energy intake can also reduce immune activity, but especially high fat consumption, which can weaken the immune system.
Regular muscle work increases the formation of cell and tissue-damaging free radicals. Free radicals and substances that increase oxidation can change the functioning of cells, which can lead to loss of function, other damages (e.g. inflammatory reaction) and weakening of the immune system.
There are vitamins and bioactive substances that can prevent cell damage. These are called antioxidants. The most important antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E, D, coenzyme Q10, various coloring substances (e.g. beta-carotene, astaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin) and lecithin. They themselves become the target of free radicals, thus protecting themselves from the damaging effects. However, as soon as they oxidize, their protective function ceases, so we have to take care of their replacement every day! If possible, our post-run menu should always include fresh vegetables and/or fruit . Due to their high vitamin, mineral and fiber content, they are essential for perfect regeneration and immune protection. It is highly recommended to consume (fresh!) pineapple , which is rich in vitamin C, because it contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can stimulate protein digestion and speed up muscle and bone regeneration.
If you eat steamed, steamed or boiled vegetables, you should pay attention to a few things! Many vitamins, such as vitamin C, are sensitive to heat, oxygen and light. This means that they break down faster and become unusable. Soak the ingredients as little as possible, and shorten the cooking time. If possible, use the cooking water! Put the vegetables in hot (but not boiling) water, because soaking in cold water and slow cooking destroys the vitamin.
Cocoa (beans) can also be called an immune-stimulating and regeneration-promoting food. Due to its higher fat content and satiety value, its consumption is mainly recommended after exercise; in the form of dark chocolate or milky cocoa drink with a minimum of 60 percent cocoa. The advantage of cocoa lies in its high content of potassium, magnesium and antioxidants, but it is also abundant in protein, iron, zinc and phosphorus, which also play a major role in the proper functioning of the immune system.
Those who run at least three times a week for a minimum of 50-60 minutes should, in addition to a properly prepared diet, also consider dietary supplements in order to prevent harmful effects and strengthen the immune system. Choose a supplement that contains not only 1-2, but also several antioxidants. By amplifying each other's effects, they support immune functions, thus indirectly performance, regeneration and health preservation.
The consumption of fermented foods dates back thousands of years. In the ancient gastronomic culture, food was fermented mainly to preserve the flavors, but later they also recognized their positive effect on health. Fermented foods are fermented with bacteria or fungi, which mainly affect the functioning of the digestive system (digestion, intestinal flora), so they also play a huge role in proper immune protection!
After training or competition, drink a glass of kefir or yogurt. In addition to their immune-boosting effect, they are also excellent sources of protein and contain many vitamins (e.g. vitamin D) and minerals (e.g. calcium).
Especially in autumn and winter - when it is more difficult to get fresh vegetables and fruit - it is worth eating more fermented foods , such as the already mentioned fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), fermented cabbage, matured cheeses or miso (fermented soy- and cereal pulp).
Algae suitable for human consumption have been popularly consumed for centuries in some cultures for the purpose of preserving health. Nowadays, they are mainly available in the form of dietary supplements , which can greatly contribute to the support of the immune system with their regular use.
Based on the research results, it can be said that among our foods, algae (especially Spirulina and Chlorella) have the highest mineral, vitamin and nutrient content. Algae contain iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, potassium, which are highly useful, but they also contain many antioxidants. In addition to strengthening the immune system, they can also help maintain a healthy intestinal flora ; in regeneration after running, as well as in speeding up the healing of injuries and wounds .
By consuming Spirulina and Chlorella algae together, we can achieve better results than using only one of them, because although they have many similar properties, through the addition of their unique mechanisms of action, we can contribute more to the enhancement and maintenance of health, beauty and energy.
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